This is the trailer for ON THE TINSEL FRONT, a scripted podcast series coming in Spring 2024.

It is 1942.  Washed out of flight school and inexplicably assigned to the Army Air Forces “First Motion Picture Unit” in Culver City, California,  Private Oliver Whelan tumbles down the rabbit hole of World War II Hollywood.  A hilarious, fascinating and touching audio dramedy, much of which is based in fact.

Written, produced and directed by Christopher Bomba


Brian Stanton, Samara Frame, Gabriel Oliva, Alan Blumenfeld, Katherine James, James Coyle, Dante Alexander, Robbie Trombetta, Chris Côté, Mary Bomba, Zane Acord, John Katona, Jonah Weiland, Myk Price, Caleb A. Fields, Sufyan Mahmud and Tom O’Connor. 

Music for the trailer:  Richie Everett, The Devil’s Defiance, courtesy of

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Series will launch soon with first two episodes.  “Follow” it now wherever you get your podcasts.

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