Ollie: “The guys arranged for me to come on set and watch them shoot their number — “That’s What The Best Dressed Man in Harlem Will Wear.” It’s a song about soldiers trading in their smart civilian clothes for army khaki. Joe Louis is part of it, doing a workout on a speed bag…”

This is the number in the film This is The Army that Ollie’s friends — Toes, Stump, Spoons, and Willy Boy — perform. If you want a treat, watch this video of the number on YouTube. The tap dancing is terrific.
(Excuse the poor quality of the photos — they are screenshots of the YouTube video.) See the song lyrics at the end of the post.

Irving Berlin wrote this number for the black members of the cast. The casting of heavyweight champion boxer Joe Louis, “The Brown Bomber,” was a gimmick, but a fun, effective one.

The highlight of the number is the dance that James “Stump” Cross has with a “woman” (William Wycoff), whose splits are downright astounding.

The astounding irony is the that the number was performed on the set used for “Mandy,” the movie’s blackface number! The fact that Warner Brothers couldn’t be bothered to budget a unique set for the “colored” performance speaks volumes.
There's a change in fashion that shows
In those Lenox Avenue clothes
Mister Dude has disappeared with his flashy tie
You'll see in the Harlem Esquire
What the well-dressed man will desire
When he's struttin' down the street with his sweetie-pie
Sun tan, shade of green
Or an olive drab color scheme
That's what the well-dressed man in Harlem will wear
Dressed up in O.D.'s
With a tin hat for overseas
That's what the well-dressed man in Harlem will wear
Top hat, white tie and tails no more
They've been put away till after the war
If you want to know
Take a look at Brown Bomber Joe
That's what the well-dressed man in Harlem will wear

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